Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Bulgaria-Tour with ODD CREW & more shows

Our brothers ODD CREW invited us to a tour through bulgaria in dezember: 16.Dec – Sofia 17.Dec – Veliko Turnovo 18.Dec – Varna 19.Dec- Burgas We are totally happy and can’t wait for it! That’s why we play two shows … Weiterlesen

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New show announced & new songs

We play with our brothers from  HAK in Spiez. The show is on the 5th of december 2015. Till our next show in october we are writing some new songs. Till today 6 songs are in the pipe and we … Weiterlesen

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Wacken Battle & next months

We had a blast last night in Bern. We wanna thank all the guests for the huge support! \m/ A special thank goes out to our brother Vlädu from DISTORTED NOISE PRODUCTIONS (see you soon man \m/), Rü and the … Weiterlesen

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Upcoming shows in april

Dear fans of hard bare-knuckle Thrash Metal April will be a good month! You have the opportunity to see us partying hard 4 times! 😀 10.4. Durchzug Erzingen with GODS WILL BE DONE & DARK ZODIAC 11.4. Met Bar Lenzburg … Weiterlesen

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Wacken Battle

Hey folks! We proudly anounce the wacken battle against our brothers from Silent Circus  as support act for the legendary U.F.O.! \m/ Come an support us @ Chollerhalle Zug 12.3.2015: see you there 😉

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Release Show Pics online

DEADLY EYES is out now! You can buy it on our online shop, iTunes, Google Play Store,, Outsider Metal Shop and more… 😉 We wanna thank all of you for this unbelievable 10 years! Your support over all this … Weiterlesen

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Hellvetica @ Kanal K

This saturday, HELLVETICA on air @ Radio Kanal K!!! 😉 Listen to Sonja and Jon, they talk with Roger Wetli about the coming EP DEADLY EYES, 10 years anniversary, the new music video FOREVER REVOLUTION and the new bandmembers 🙂

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Happy release day mofo’s! We wanna thank all our supporters and Valentin Schwarz ( & for our first official music video! HERE IT IS!

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EP is ready

Thanks to Christof, Steve and Tanja @ Adon Production AG Neuenhof. Our “invisible” EP “Deadly Eyes” is ready for release. See you at release show 28 November 2014 😉

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Face The Facts Live Clip online

We released a live clip (one of the DEADLY EYES songs) 😉 The Videoclip is already recorded. We will release this clip in a few weeks. Keep on thrashin’ 😉

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